
As I always do, I overthink just about everything to a fault… Sometimes I can stay stuck in a situation because I’m still thinking it through…not a good trait of mine… Or so I thought…But now since I am on this more focused and expanded spiritual journey, I find this trait to be an actual advantage for me. I find that it helps me to study my Bible with more focus and clarity. I now read and analyze scripture with more understanding as this “trait” comes in very useful.I am learning to take my time and really think about how scripture applies to me personally. To “overthink”… Now with all of that being said , my neighbor who is also an artist recently gave me a big bag of Keys..I was in heaven!!! They were all assorted sizes and shapes.. Some are even vintage…so my “trait” allowed me to ponder questions like , “Where has this key been, who did it belong to?”” It also allowed me to ask,” “What does this key unlock?”” Is it a  suitcase or a trunk? “”A door that leads to…?” You get the idea… But what about a more personal question..”What Keys do I need to unlock my full potential?””Or even better,my spiritual purpose..?” In church all week that has been a question that I have been hearing and receiving over and over again…so I am paying attention. Now I am seeing the value in my” overthinking” trait.. I now choose to rename it “meditation”.. My”keys” will now become my Bible, my quiet time, and the continuance of service in any capacity that I am called to on God’s behalf….getting as close as possible to God is the Key to a fulfilling and purposeful life. It is the Key to being a help (not a hindrance)to the Kingdom.

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  1. Pingback: Keys…. | SimplyYolanda

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